Divyareddy Junuthula

Student at jyothishmathi institute of technology and science

Studied at Jyothishmathi institute of technology and science, Karimnagar

Dynamic host configuration protocol

Dynamic host configuration protocol :it is mainly used for simplification of installation and maintenance of network computers. DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) assigns dynamic IP address to device on a network

Classification of cryptographic attacks

passive attacks: passive attacks are in the nature of eaves dropping on, or monitoring of, transmissions the goal of the opponent is to obtain information that is being transmitted, passive attacks are of two types 1.release of message contents. 2.traffic analysis. Active attacks: the attacks involves some modifications of data stream or the creation of a false stream.

Types of Security attacks

There are four general categories of attacks they are, 1.interruption: 2. Interception 3. Modification 4. Fabrication.

Classification of Security services

The classification of Security services are as follows 1. Confidentiality. 2.authentication 3. Integrity. 4. Non repudiation. 5. Access control 6.availability.


To assess the security needs of an organization effectively, the manager responsible for security needs some systematic way of defining the requirements for security and characterization of approches to satisfy those requirement one Approach is to consider three aspects of information security. 1.security attacks. 2.security mechanism. 3.security service.

ACID Properties of transaction

A transaction must ensure the following properties 1.ATOMICITY . 2.CONSISTENCY. 3.ISOLATATION. 4.DURABILITY.

Different types of Encapsulation

There are different ways of performing encapsulation. 1.IP-in-IP encapsulation. 2. Minimal encapsulation. 3. Generic routing encapsulation. Minimal encapsulation is an optional encapsulation method for Mobile IP which avoides reputation of identical fields in IP-in-IP encapsulation.

Difference between AES and DES

DES stands for data encryption standards . DES is a systematic key block cipher published by National Institute of Standards and technology. AES stands for Advanced Encryption standards. It is 6 times faster than DES.

Classification of data delivery mechanism

Data delivery mechanism can be classified into three categories. They are. 1.push based mechanism (publish-subscribe mode) 2.pull based mechanism (on-demand mode) 3 .hybrid mechanism (hybrid mode)

Difference between block cipher and stream cipher

Stream cipher algorithm :it must follow XOR. The plain text is encrypted by 1 byte at a time. A stream cipher is a symmetric key cipher. Where a plain text digits are combined with a pseudo random cipher digits stream(key stream), in a stream cipher each plain text digit is encrypted 1 at a time with the corresponding digits of the key stream to give digits of the cipher text stream. Block cipher:block cipher operates on large block of digits with a fixed size. It follows XOR logic .block cipher techniques involves encryption of one block of text at a time. Decryption also takes one block of encrypted text at a time.

Process assessment in software engineering

Process assessment attempts to keep check on the current state of the software process with the intention of improving it.

Noise less and noise channel protocols

Noise less channels are divided into 2 types they are simplest channel and stop and wait Noisy channels are divided into 3 types They are. 1.stop and wait ARQ 2.Go.back-N-ARQ 3.selective repeat ARQ